It has been a minute hope you are okay, most of the time we come across many different personalities in our lives but to all those whom we meet what do they leave or what do they add in our lives well that’s depends on our relations to them. Most of what we get from our cycle of friendship or relationship is pain, loneliness and broken heart. But why can’t we just let go of what does really hurt us, instead we go back time after time, well I guess the person who said experience was the best teacher I think they were wrong and they should change that phrase to something else that may tell people of what they need to do to avoid certain challenges in their life. As humans we need to change our attitude and character towards people we mingle with in our lives , some comes as a sign of happiness and really keeps our hopes up to an extent of making them part of us , others come into our lives as life changers and tell us what we really want to hear from them and make us ...